Purpose: To drill for drinking water for a rural population of 1400, including 400 school children.
Location: Benin.Porto Novo Region.Ifangni Municipality.Lokokoukou Village
Duration: 2019
Local partners: AJEDD, School Committee, Village Chief.
Financial partners: Toulouse Métropôle, Agece de l’eau Adour Garonne;Surgeon Fish Charity, GHA.
Project status:COMPLETED
Following the request of the inhabitants of Lokokoukou and the Beninese association AJEDD, during our field mission in 2018, we undertook the study of a drilling at the level of the village school.
September 2019:
Drilling begins on the grounds of the public school in the village of Lokokoukou.
October 2019:
The water tower and the margelle are built.
November 2019:
The village services are built as well as that of the school and that of the vegetable garden.
Water supplies are delivered.
End of November:
GHA officials are on the ground. The village training day on basic hygiene is carried out by three trainers. The project is perfectly finished. The maintenance of the system is managed by the village water committee, its sustainability is ensured by the sale of water. The school has free drinking water.