Localisation: Bénin, Commune d’Ifangni , Commune de Torri Bossito.
Local partners:AJEDD, ALOZO,.
Finantial partners: GHA, AMP.
Activities: Distribution de masques, de lave-mains et de savons aux populations vulnérables.
Project statut: COMPLETED
APRIL 2020:
From April, we respond urgently to a request from our Beninese partner AJEDD, in the town of Ifangni.
We buy 100 hand washers and soap for the largest number of families in the village of Djegou Nagot and surrounding villages. Training within families will be done by volunteers from the AJEDD association to help them acquire the right barrier gestures.
At the same time, we are responding urgently to a request from our project manager Mieke, in the municipality of Tori-Bossito.
We are buying 500 masks which will be distributed to the most vulnerable inhabitants of the village of Azohoué Cada. The company ALÔZÔ from OUIDAH, supports us graciously and provides the equipment. It is a great outpouring of mutual aid developed in several towns and villages in the Atlantic department. The Mayor of Torri Bossito and the health officer of the town hall are there and health facilities are organized.
JULY 2020:
The Micro Project Agency offers us its support, we are doubling our help !!!