FEBRUARY 2016 On the road again!!!
We are again on the Amboseli’s tracks between bright periods and showers.

Daniel et Milia (2016 Kenya)
The preparation of future projects and the checking of on-going projects lead us in different communities.
We will look on the realizations of the environmental project “ORMITI” supported by Man and Nature.
We are in the second year of the project, more than 5000 trees have been distributed in 10 primary and secondary schools.
It is with a big pleasure that we have visited each of them.
The children were each one was responsible for at least one tree plantation and 70% have resisted to ants, termites, drought, domestic animals and even for some school in the passages of hippos at night!!!
Each of the kids choose its protection method, mulching, thorny … and to find its tree, some have stick an indicative wood panel. In the secondary school “Clubs Nature” are very active and they will continue their action by setting up small tree nursery.
We are invited to plant our tree and in a general giggle Valérie (GHA Vice Presidente ) finishes in the hole dedicated to the tree with the help of the young girls !!
They are inmates and go back at home three times a year.
Jean-Pierre (GHA secretary) explains to the different schools’ directors the beautiful vegetation map of Kenya that we offered them. We, also, distributed to the professors in charge of environment curses a detailed book on the different trees in East Africa.
We verified the well’s rehabilitation which is used to irrigate the crops of the small market enterprise company (MHI) created by young Maasai that we support since several years. They are 25 youngs who cultivate and share the benefits.
The well is also open to people living closely around.
We check :
- The building of wallettes done around the four water holes in order to protect them.
- The four ponds built dedicated to the herds in the day and the wild life at night
- The 10 communities having benefited from light fences against predators. Some problems concerning the material non adapted to harsh climatic conditions either too much sun, either too much rain. Improvements must be done.
We saw the last achievements, Moringa crops and beehives for the community ‘ s women of Riza.
This small beekeeping project is still at an initiation status and will be reinforced gradually; actually bees colonized an half of the beehives.
We drive carefully on left size of the truck because we are in the middle of corridors. Wild animals come and go.
This time many giraffes and zebras look at us !
All the details of this ground visit are in the newsletter n°19.