Site de Gazelle Harambee


JULY 2014 Ormiti Project start!! (Kenya)

We start this week a large environmental project in Kenya, which will take place over a time of two years in order to reduce conflicts between humans and animals, providing an economic support for the environment to the local communities we work with, for 4 years now.
It is located in Amboseli on the next ranch Group: Olgulului Lalarashi, Imbirikani and Kuku Ololoopon.
This year, we set up, following a specific timeframe, three target activities; these will be surrounded by educational workshop on the preservation of resources for firewood.
Deep reforestation for 5 sources and 17 villages, each including several bomas (traditional Masaï ‘ s houses)

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya et jean Pierre Delsol

GHA 2014 Kenya





















Rehabilitation of 5 water points, with the construction of protective barriers and ponds for livestock and wildlife.


GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

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Protection for 10 bomas against predator attacks by a system of light barriers.

We are supported by NGOs Man and Nature.

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya

GHA 2014 Kenya